Tabor Park, Ljubljana
This forgotten park was turned into a lively meeting place for people and an idea hub.
Even though the Tabor Park is the green centre of the neighbourhood, it was very nearly been abandoned and poorly maintained for many years, and people did not want to stay there at night due to poor lighting and generally messy conditions. The revitalization strategy for the park was based on research conducted in the neighbourhood and included three levels: minor spatial improvements, a change in traffic regime, and improved socialization options for local residents and visitors. In addition to coordinating individuals and organizations that voluntarily organized events in the park, designing urban equipment and planning the traffic regime, we also organized voluntary work actions in the park.
Event as a revitalization method
Between 2010 and 2014, activities began every May with a grand opening and would take place until September. Each summer, the residents and visitors of Tabor Park had the opportunity to participate in open and free cultural, sporting and educational events. Saturday fairs and garage sales soon became the most popular events in the park. The park hosted plant and vegetable seed exchanges, toy exchanges and various educational workshops.
During the course of the project, the park became the vibrant heart of the Tabor neighbourhood, and a meeting place for different generations. During the project, the perception of the park changed, and it became known as a tidy and pleasant space. For young people who participated in their own activities, it served as a starting point for various entrepreneurial and activist enterprises. The events motivated residents to network and connect and put the park on the mental map of the city. At the level of Ljubljana, the project showed that urban revitalization is not necessarily just physical. In Slovenia, the project is a positive example of combining local initiatives and sustainable development strategies, which has encouraged many similar initiatives across the country.

Tabor Park in numbers:
4 seasons
950 event
150 organisations and individuals
3.500 hours of work
3.000 hours of volunteer work
Tabor, Ljubljana • Partners: Zavod Bunker, Retirement home Center: Tabor – Poljane, Športno društvo Tabor, Kinodvor, Hotel Park • Supporters: Ministry of Culture, Creative Europe, City Municipality of Ljubljana, Center District, Ljubljana Tourism, KPL d.d., dpg, mbg • 2010 - 2014