Participation & Community Building
Map of Wishes, Ljubljana and Vienna
What do residents want in their neighbourhood?
The Map of Wishes is an urban intervention in a large public space, an entire neighbourhood, and an interactive platform for collecting wishes and suggestions concerning public spaces in the area. Passers-by are encouraged to write down their ideas and pin them on a large map. The method proves that constructive suggestions of residents can be gathered in a short amount of time and in a playful way. Furthermore, we show the residents that they can be included in the urban planning process of their local environment.
The response to the map was good both in Vienna and in Ljubljana. The children immediately took over the area with balloons and turned it into a playground. Without any prompts from our side, all the visitors would take off their shoes before stepping on the carpeted area. Residents and passers-by gathered around the map for a whole week. In that time, we collected 400 wishes and proposals in Vienna and 200 in Ljubljana. In Ljubljana, residents visited the map specifically to voice their wishes.

After the project was completed, we handed over the wishes of the residents to the city authorities. The head of Vienna's Margareten district announced on the last day that the installation of a new drinking fountain would be the first wish from the list to be realized. In Ljubljana, the most frequent concern was the need for new playgrounds in the area. The mayor decided that the municipality will create two smaller playgrounds: one on Kolodvorska Street and one next to the Park Hotel. The residents’ wishes, collected in this way, helped us to prepare an action plan for future activities in the Tabor neighbourhood in Ljubljana.
Siebenbrunnenplatz, Vienna, Austria • Co-workers: Brina Vizjak, Miha Lokar, Stephan Hartmann • Client: Into the City, Wiener Festwochen, Gebietsbetreuung Stadterneuerung • Supporters: Baloh international do.o.o, Vorwerk • 2011
Museum Platform, Metelkova, Ljubljana • Client: Zavod Bunker • Sponsors: Baloh d.o.o., Vorwerk International, Eko Still d.o.o., Interflooring d.o.o. • Special thanks: Neža Novak, Wikoria Gorecka, Taša Štrukelj • 2011