At the junction of Dunajska and Topniška Street lies one of the oldest abandoned construction sites in Ljubljana. Krater is a community of designers, biologists and artists who have signed an agreement with the owner of the facility, granting them free management of 4000 m² of the site for a period of three years, or until the construction of the new courthouse begins. For the first time in twenty-six years, the closed area has become accessible to the public.
We planned the architectural and landscape design of the Krater area. The space was partially rehabilitated and given new use with the help of mobile elements. The elements used in the space are recycled from past projects, most of the material used is repurposed waste. Thus, the floors of the terrace and the wood workshop are made of discarded wood, the composting toilets used to be telephone booths, and the workshop and all the equipment are recycled second hand materials, as well. Numerous art projects by other creators have also received new uses here. The planned architecture of the space does not represent the final vision to the last detail but is constantly updated according to the needs and new elements that are introduced to the space.
Because such ecosystems are usually considered degraded, we are often unaware of their value in terms of biodiversity, reducing the effects of urban overheating, reducing noise, and purifying the air. If this area has so far been perceived as a source of problems, temporary use can create new opportunities for locals. At Krater, we can learn the skills of self-organization, self-sufficiency and cultural production, and gain knowledge on ecology or local food production. Moreover, wild ecosystems give us many examples of how to establish climate-resistant nature reserves in urban environments that can improve the living environments not only of humans, but also of other living beings.

Construction pit Bežigrad krater in Ljubljana • Web page: www.krater.si • Supporters: Ministry of Justice, PiNA, Telekom, CBD, Severles, Lip Bohinj, Interflooring, Krater community: Trajna, Društvo za permakulturo Slovenije, Abandoned Plants Sanctuary, Rok Oblak • Photo: Amadeja Smrekar, Nejc Trampuž, Tine Eržen • 2020 - 2021