Board games are becoming an increasingly popular tool to engage in a debate about complex issues, and calls for public engagement of inhabitants and other participants to co-create public spaces can bring up numerous challenges. Even if increasingly more experts support public participation and a transparent planning process, traditional methods for inclusion of the public remain uninteresting for residents. Presentations, moderated public debates and surveys are rather dry insights into otherwise interesting topics.
On the other hand, board games are based on a predetermined set of rules and mechanisms, such as role-playing, planning, negotiation, resource management and conflict resolution. Much like in a game, similar mechanisms and “rules” are present in real life and in the decision-making process of urban development. That is why board games can be a great platform for involving residents in the decision-making process.
The City Visionary has a very simple design and requires players to confront unexpected and difficult urban themes when forging visions for public space, and to impress their teammates with their vision.
Where to get it?
The game is available to anyone who wants to organize a gaming event in their neighbourhood, city, school, and elsewhere.
The City Visionary is available online for free in print & play format. You can print the game on your home printer and play it with friends. Based on the test games, we also prepared a short synthesis that summarises our experience with testing the game and summarises its advantages, disadvantages, and possible uses.
Authors of the game Pow Wow: DCALK & les Chiens de l'Enfer (FR) and Cie Motus Terrae (GR) • The Slovenian version of the game is based on the pilot game Pow Wow, which was developed in 2016 by DCALK & les Chiens de l’Enfer (FR) and Motus Terrae (GR) in cooperation with the residents of the Greek city of Elefsina. • Author of the Slovenian version: Zala Velkavrh • Supporter: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning • 2017